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What is the Online Self Assessment (OSA)?

The Online Self Assessment (OSA) is an interactive web-based tool that provides a detailed look at selected degree programmes, Rhine-Waal-University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) as a whole, and student life on its campuses. Its aim is to encourage users to compare their pre-study expectations with the facts and reality of studying in Kleve or Kamp-Lintfort. Thus, the OSA is intended to prepare prospective students for their studies and student life.

Which data are submitted in the OSA?

While conducting an OSA, the data you enter are stored anonymously on a secure server hosted by our partner AlphaTest GmbH. This partnership is based on a legally-binding data processing agreement that is fully compliant with German data privacy laws. In some cases, prospective students must submit proof of completion of an OSA for enrolment purposes at HSRW. Where this is the case, the user’s full name and date of birth are also collected and processed.

What will happen to my data?

After completing the OSA, your survey data are anonymised by our partner AlphaTest GmbH. This anonymised data is then used by the Centre for Academic Development and Quality (ZfQ) for statistical research purposes within HSRW. All data required for a proof of completion are stored temporarily and separately from your anonymized survey results. These data are required and processed for the sole purpose of issuing you a proof of completion.

Use of your Unique ID

Whenever you pause an OSA, your progress will be saved and you will receive a code (unique ID). With this unique ID you can resume the OSA from where you left off. If you need a proof of completion for enrolment, your unique ID will be displayed on your certificate as proof that the OSA was indeed completed by you.

What is the purpose of the personal survey code?

The survey will prompt you to generate a personal survey code based on very specific personal data. This process is strictly voluntary. Your personal survey code is generated from data that HSRW does not and cannot know, making it impossible to trace it back to you. In other words, there is no possible way to link you to your personal survey code. The personal survey code allows us to anonymously link together other surveys you might do in later phases of your studies. Accordingly, future surveys may prompt you to enter your personal survey code again. As codes use a standardised pattern, future surveys can be “matched” to your past surveys without personally identifying you in the process. This process allows us to conduct longitudinal analyses of your time at HSRW, which is very valuable for improving and researching the quality of education we offer.

What is the ZfQ?

The Centre for Academic Development and Quality (ZfQ) is a central, research-focused department of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences tasked with both quality management and conceptual development of teaching and learning at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. One of ZfQ’s core tasks is to evaluate the quality of studies at HSRW. ZfQ has been responsible for academic quality management at HSRW for over ten years, generating valuable data and insights for research and development processes at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. For more information about ZfQ, please visit:


ZfQ will use survey data exclusively for general research and institutional development purposes at HSRW, and will publish corresponding results. It is categorically impossible to identify any specific individual from data published by ZfQ.

I still have questions. Whom can I contact?

For questions, please contact Maike Kaufmann. For more information on the I2 project and Online Self Assessments, please visit the HSRW homepage.

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